HO sister two was back in Beijing shortly with Display Distribute co-conspirators 东东 and paperbridgeee for a hawker-premiere at the first Beijing edition of the abC Art Book Fair, 29 June – 1 July, M Woods Museum, Dashanzi. Other HO sister publications of course also on offer!
And in conjunction with the fair’s week-long series of activities, Display Distribute hosted its first reading group-performance at C5 Art on 2 July 2018:

《发酵 The Fermentation Reading Session》
by Display Distribute (with GUO Hao, Elaine W. HO, JIAO Anqi, Dongdong LIU, paperbridgeee, Twist QU, YANG Jialin and Felix YUAN)
Continuing a long-term series of projects related to reading and embodied knowledge practice, members of Display Distribute will host together with c5 Art a special performance reading group session on the transitions and slippages from text to moving image. Part novel/script reading, part discussion, The Fermentation Reading Session brings together elements of C5’s Food Theatre, brewed with our own questions on the meta of active learning, performance-dialogue and romantic comedy.